Wednesday, January 4

back home

knitting in new hampshire

Vacation was great, and I'm glad to be home. I learned to spin on both a drop spindle and a wheel, went to a bunch of yarn shops in Vermont, carded a ton of fleece, made some felt, and got used to the smell of sheep. I also (unsurprisingly?) knit up a storm. Above--some of my boyfriend's mom's Christmas animals take refuge in some vintage mohair.

In other news--the shop is open again, and updated with new things--go take a peek! I'll continue to update this week as I have time.

Happy New Year! Cheers!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

that is such a lovely photo! Are you originally from N.H? I grew up in MA & my uncle is a state trooper in N.H. How awesome!

I'd love to see some of your yarn! I got a drop spindle & am having a bit of a hard time using it!

Happy New Year!

6:27 PM  

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