The less time I have, the more I find myself trying to do. This is as a rule: it's the reason I came out of graduate school with not one, but three manuscripts. It's the reason I come up with (and execute) new designs, invariably, the week before a show. It's the reason I take on extra jobs, offer help (even when it's not necessary), and push really hard right up to the wire, even though I might have been slacking off a bit beforehand.

Most of the time it produces excellent results, especially in combination with the high expectations I set for myself.
Other times (often in combination with other stresses--you know, the ones I haven't planned for) it produces anxiety, worry, irritability, and general ennui. I overwhelm myself with all the things I want to do.

Right now the list (and for me, lists are stress-reducers mostly; occasionally they do make me more anxious, but then I stop using them for a while, loosen back up) includes a skirt in grey cotton and yellow linen for myself; a cream wool winter coat, also for myself; a cashmere skirt (um, ditto). And then, um, packing all the things I own, or giving them away, or using them up? Oh, and also a slip dress like the one in the spring Marie-Claire Idées (on the page with the painted wardrobe) and a quilt for Brian for when I'm gone, and a little jacket for me (and two or three for the shops?) and a long, many-pleated skirt in dark brown linen (ooh, also for me).

And I keep having more ideas (true to form) and, and, and. This one does not know how to cut herself off.
I did edit this just now to take out the personal bit at the bottom. Still not comfortable with that. I know Bloglines users will still be able to read it, and that's fine, but didn't really want it out here for eternity. Suffice to say a family member's ill and that kind of puts my crafty worries in their place.
we are so silimar it's eerie... i do and then stop the list things [and ours look sort of alike!]
and i too take on too much.
if you were closer i'd say let's have a do nothing eat good food manicure day....
and your brother - ee gahds. let me know if i can help w/ anything.
Oh, Eireann. I hope your brother recovers quickly.
Snap! Me too. The less time there is, the more I try to do...
Hope you can whittle down those worries...
cheers, gracia
I'm am so sorry to hear about your brother. I hope he recovers quickly. Hang in there!
hang in there my love.
Hello mademoiselle :) J'espère que ton frère ira mieux très vite !! Et merci pour ton petit mon à propos de ma "secret pal" je suis impatiente de recevoir son mail ! Gros bisous de Belgique !
hugs, lots and lots of hugs!
Sorry. Thinking of you from California.
qué interesantes tus cuadernos de notas!
hope everything will be alright... thinking of you xxx
lists are stress-reducers
so so true...
hang in there.
Mmmm, I hear you sweetie. Thinking of you and wishing you, and your family, well.
Thank you for the Repot Depot link (a couple entries ago), I have just dropped a bit of $$ with them (+ fell in love with almost everything), but it will save me some time in scouring thrifts stores + flea markets. I enjoy reading your blog, you have a great aesthetic ~Shona
thank you all for your kind comments. I really appreciate each of them. You're all so good.
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