Thursday, February 9

it's almost like being undergrad again.

Yes, it is 2:30 a.m. CST (or, as the BBC announcer keeps reminding me, "hahhhlf pahhhst eight, GMT" da da da DUN [BBC World Service theme song]).

Yes, I am still awake.

Yes, I was going to bed at 11:30 with the latest Zadie Smith book and no wake-up deadline tomorrow morning. But I'd been working all night on things like this:

and etc., but I somehow was drawn back in--and I've had a Lisa-made bee in my bonnet ever since the first time I saw one of her pillows, so I finally got it together and cut, pieced, and quilted this:

I am not a patient worker. I like things that go right the first time. This is to my advantage in that I rarely make prototypes that aren't up to par--I work out all the mechanics in my head and/or on paper first. But it does mean I miss out on playing sometimes. So this is a bit of play. I'm not careful about cutting quilt pieces, for some reason. Maybe it's the lack of rotary cutter + mat. But these came out nicely, and there's a border, too, and I've figured out how to line it and back it, and I have the insert already, and ribbon for the ties, and needless to say, I'm excited.

So thanks, Lisa, for the prompt. I always admire your sense of color and the meticulous correctness of your piecing--obviously this is no Log Cabin, but I'm grateful for the lesson. Cheers.


On another note, Blair was writing about the strange, time- and energy-sapping powers of the computer. I've been feeling that a lot lately (so much to see! but then I lose the urge to work!), and my solution has been to leave my laptop in my bag after I get home from school (where I have to have it for work, class, etc.). If I don't unpack it, I can't hook it up to the internet, and I'm likely to head into the workroom and come out with a bunch of finished projects (instead of just more hmm-I-like-thats. Same goes for just not turning it on, some mornings. And usually it goes off by itself at midnight (but not tonight; how odd). I've actually been thinking of cancelling internet at home. My brother recently got rid of his computer and it's been good.

What do you do? What are your thoughts?


Blogger Toni said...

I don't think one day goes by when I'm not thinking about the time I spend on the computer reading blogs, blogging myself, and all that involves. Somedays I tell myself this must stop!! I don't have the time for this!! And other days I'm so energized to create because of all the lovely inspiration,support and friendship that comes with blogging. I think I feel the most stress with it all when I'm not keeping my priorities straight, ie: sitting at the computer when I should be spending time with my kids or husband, running my household properly, or all of the other manner of things that need to come before the computer. It's a management thing for me I'm not always very good at. I know I haven't quite found the balance yet. I also know I just can't keep adding things to my life..there are only so many hours in a day and something must give! Now that I've written book :) I'll stop here. Thanks for the invite to share.

1:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i LOVE your fabric selections and the simplicity of squares. that's how i started. this quilt will be amazing!! xo, lisa

2:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fascinating that we're all feeling the pull of the internet. Kind of like sitting around talking to friends when I should be doing about 20 other things.

You make some beautiful things when you can't sleep. Wish some days I could be productive at 2am, maybe I could catch up.

7:11 PM  
Blogger lisa solomon said...

i have been wondering about the same thing... so many blogs... so many friends... so many things to see... so little time....

i'm trying to keep a balance. it's not easy.... but i love being online and in this community and so i don't want to give it up. i think i have to just set some limits... like poking around w/ coffee... and before i got to bed....

your quilting looks lovely!

12:18 AM  
Blogger Toni said...

Hi again! I just responded to you comments over at Flickr, but I'll say yes again here to the kimono fabric!! You're such a sweetie to offer, really you are*

BTW, forgot to comment on the is So Great! love it.

10:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't even comprehend getting rid of the internet, yet it's happened to me & I'm not impressed. But then again, I do have more time to do the things I enjoy, but now I'm not sure what I enjoy because I've been so addicted to the internet!!! But I can log on at work & get things done. Blah blah. enough of me.

5:17 PM  

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